Summary Example

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Note: This is an example of what your summary might look like. It is important to remember that your writing is an equally important component to your reading, and is critical to making the Power Reading Program work for you. The most important thing to remember is that the objective is to establish reading, and the retention of your reading material, as habits. Take these steps daily. It is more important to establish brief, daily reading periods than it is to read for an hour once a week.

Remember to write this summary by hand, do not use a word processor, another exercise that aids retention.


Your summary should look something like this:

The author writes about synergy and it states that it is the combination of two things, and that the total is far greater than the sum of the two parts. The author also comment that clients feel what is being broadcast in that invisible wavelength call intuition.

Chapter 14 mentions the runner-up keys that are almost as important as the three keys. The difference is that none of these are essential all the time. The runner-up are the following:

1) Gratitude: make gratitude a part of your day.

2) Respect: Respect is about letting people make their own decision. Honesty shows respect. When we work for others we should respect their money as if it were ours. We should respect their time as if it were ours. We should respect our situations as if they were ours. We should do these things because, when we care we become the client.

3) Communication: We must communicate with our customers. We must relate to clients what we can do for them. We must tell people how we are going to do it and deliver it. We cannot be honest without telling the truth. We cannot be competent without clear instructions and agreed-upon goals. We cannot express care without an exchange of thoughts and feelings. Communication is the medium, and the three keys are the message.

4) Obedience: By being honest, competent, and caring we help clients make their decisions, and we hope there are better decisions because of our care. We should be kind, courteous, generous, friendly, and sincere. To do less is to regret the time lost in pointless endeavors.

How it applies to me:

My work environment has synergy written all over it. We all work together to combine ideas, thoughts and talents and have a greater sum of the parts.

24 hour action step:

Modify my daily gratitude statement. I want to be sure that it is as complete as it could be.


If it helps, consider making a template of your summary page an fill in your daily points, applications and action steps.

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